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Int. Turntable Room - 

Frank is looking through records and trying to find a sample.

close up of Frank pulling out a record and putting it on the table

Frank leaves the turntable room

Int. Music Making Room.

Frank enters the room and sits down in front of the music desk. He plays the song, chops it up, and plays drum sounds

mid-shot of Frank enjoying the beat he made

mid-shot of Frank calling Emil on the phone

Int. Sofa Room

Mid-shot of Emil answering the phone and conversating with Frank

Frank - Mid-shot

Hey Emil I just made a beat and I'm going to the studio in 45, I wanna see you there...

Emil - Mid-shot

Yh I'll be there...

Frank - Mid-shot

Alright cool I'll be there.

Ext. Outside Recording Studio

Frank - Tracking-shot of Frank meeting Emil

Yo Emil, you good?

Emil - continuing shot

Yh man i'm good, I wanna hear the beat though.

Frank - continuing shot

Alright calm, be there.

Int. Inside Recording Studio

Tracking-shot of Frank and Emil walking inside the recording studio

Mid-shot of Frank and Emil, Frank plays the beat.

Frank - Continuing shot

So this is the beat...


This is yours?




Give me like 20 and I'll have something for this.

Close-ups of over the shoulder shots of Emil writing in a pad.

Emil - Mid-shot of him standing up, handing the pad to Frank

What do you think of this?

Frank - Continuing shot

Yh this is gonna work.

Emil - Emil walks into close up of mic and himself. The camera rotates around his head, getting closer to it. Once the camera hits his head (turns to black) we go to Emil performing the song live. 

Lyrics written by Emil.

Mid-shot of Emil performing the song. Camera is placed in the crowd, beneath him.



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